Open Eyed Grounding Meditation
Source: “The Earth Path” by Starhawk
Speaker: Carol Missel, lmhc, ma
Grounding Anger Meditation
Source: “The Earth Path” by Starhawk
Speaker: Carol Missel, lmhc, ma
Transformation Meditation: The Cycle of Fertility & Decay
Source: “The Earth Path” by Starhawk
Speaker: Carol Missel, lmhc, ma
Mind (E)scapes:
The Desert
Source: Carol Missel, lmhc,ma
Speaker: Carol Missel, lmhc, ma
Guided Buddhist Meditation
Source & Speaker: Thich Nhat Hanh
YouTube Link
Forgiveness Meditation
Source: RO-DBT
Speaker: Carol Missel, LMC
Anger Meditation- Part @: Cauldron of Creative Fire
Source: “The Earth Path” by Starhawk
Speaker: Carol Missel, lmhc, ma
Your Wings to Fly
Source: Carol Missel, lmhc,ma
Speaker: Carol Missel, lmhc, ma
Mind (E)scapes
Snowy Cedar Forest
Source: Carol Missel, lmhc,ma
Speaker: Carol Missel, lmhc, ma
Loving-Kindness Meditation
Source: Berkley’s Greater Good In Action
Speaker: Dr. Emma Seppala